Intracom Telecom: Facilitating integration and interplay in the DSOs’ IT ecosystem

Intracom Telecom is the largest multinational provider of telecommunications products, and integrated ICT solutions & services in Greece with a proven track record of over 35 years of international presence and more than 100 customers in Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Asia. Its expertise lies in the development of telecommunication products, smart cyber-physical systems and end-to-end integrated solutions.
In RESOLVD, Intracom Telecom’s role is to provide a platform that integrates legacy systems of the Distribution System Operator (e.g. SCADA, GIS, AMI) and newly developed hardware and software applications. Moreover the platform offers data management, analytics and visualization functions.
By the end of the first year of the project, and under the leadership of Intracom Telecom, the consortium concluded with the architecture of the infrastructure that will comprise the RESOLVD ICT and hardware landscape. Particular emphasis was given in the assessment of the interoperability needs and conformance with applicable information standards.
Moreover, Intracom Telecom worked together with EYPESA in mock ups of the user interface of the applications that comprise the front end of the novel tools that will be implemented in the project.