Emerging businesses at LV distribution grid level Workshop in European Utility Week

During the European Utility Week 2019 in Paris, 12-14 November, Smart Innovation Norway is organising the FREE workshop “Emerging businesses at LV distribution grid level” as part of the EU project Resolvd.
The workshop targets DSOs, aggregators, utilities, and other energy sector industrial/business actors.
Date: 13 November 2019 | 14:00-18:30
Location: PÉGASE, level 2, Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, Entrance L, Pavilion 1
Cost: Free
Registration: Heidi Tuiskula – heidi.tuiskula@smartinnovationnorway.com
Workshop Programme:
14:00: Introduction and expectations of the workshop
14:15: Session 1 – Energy transformation – needs arising from the change
15:15: Break
15:25: Session 2 – Future smart DSO & role of RESOLVD
16:25: Break
16:35: Session 3 – Co-creation session on ‘Smart grid services’ enabled by RESOLVD
17:35: Break
17:45: Wrap up and discussions
18:30: End of day
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