LV grid Operation scheduler provider

The scheduling problem has been defined as a classical constraint satisfaction problem with a corresponding fitness function. The goal of the scheduling problem is to estimate the optimal configuration of the network and schedule battery set-points and status of switchgears to maximise the hosting capacity of a given low voltage grid during a specific time period, maximising the local consumption of forecasted generation within the required power quality and operational parameters.
Multi objective optimisation methods have been developed, implemented and validated for several use cases aiming to maximise RES generation distributed in LV grid and minimising the apparition of critical events, in particular congestions and over/under-voltages. This constitutes the core of the Grid Operation Scheduler (GOS) service that is the basis of the applications devoted to prevent the operation from critical events and to operate under minimal loss reduction. The scheduling service has been designed to provide day-ahead set points based on inputs related to demand and generation forecasting and the implementation is done a web service.