Panel Session on ISGT Europe Conference – H2020 projects and business model innovation

Francisco Díaz from CITCEA-UPC represented the RESOLVD project in a panel session at the ISGT Europe Conference (October 2019, Bucharest, Romania, The topic of the panel session was how business model innovation in H2020 projects is disrupting the status quo and enabling the energy transition. The four panelists, from E-LAND project (, INVADE project (, E-REGIO project ( and RESOLVD project, presented innovative aspects behind the particular business models being developed in each project.
Because of the different scopes of each project, various aspects raised in the discussion: ICTs tools for energy communities; the importance of forecasting methods for the feasibility of business; the impact of the cost of batteries for the feasibility of business models; and the need of overcoming regulatory barriers in the energy sector. Altogether resulted into an interesting discussion, also enriched by the participation of the audience, including people from academia and the industry.
Publicly available information about the RESOLVD business models are available under Work Package 6 (