Smart Innovation Norway is leading RESOLVD towards higher impact trough successful business model development and exploitation

In highly technology-centred R&I projects the challenge lies in carrying the technology solutions developed towards the markets to increase the impact of the project and to support the project partners in their businesses. In H2020 project RESOLVD, this challenge was accepted by Smart Innovation Norway (SIN).
SIN, being a non-profit research organization focusing on research-based innovation and exploitation of results from such projects through using cluster potential, will be the leader and main contributor of WP 6 New business models, project exploitation and standardisation. In addition to this, SIN participates in various technical tasks providing business-related inputs. To support the work executed under WP6, Heidi Tuiskula from SIN is the Innovation Manager of the project and managing for example The Stakeholder Innovation Group (SIG) activities.
The R&I department at SIN is a multidisciplinary innovation hub conducting applied research in the fields of sustainable energy, prosumer-centred smart energy systems and markets, and digitalization of the energy sector. In RESOLVD, SIN is responsible for the analysis and design of business models and overall exploitation enhancement of the project outcomes.
To support the R&I activities, SIN hosts 2 clusters of industries and academic institutions, which provides a unique opportunity for exploitation and external expert utilisation. Since 2009, SIN has led NCE Smart Energy Markets; Norway’s leading cluster of industries and academic institutions within Smart Grid and Smart Energy Market Research and Innovation. It is a strong driving force of innovation, increasing public sector efficiency, creating business development and facilitating significant future market opportunities nationally as well as internationally. In September 2019, SIN launched a new AI cluster together with over 40 key players in this field in Norway. In addition to AI, cluster will also include cyber security, business development, ethics and framework conditions, people and organization around the topic. Our in-house incubator supports both clusters as well as our R&I activities providing a pathway for commercialization of innovations. In addition to cluster activities and business incubation, SIN can reach the end-users of the project outcomes through our Smart Cities and Communities program, which already provides access to close to 20 municipalities or communities in Norway.
For Smart Innovation Norway, RESOLVD provides an interesting opportunity to utilise its full innovation platform and to develop further the business model development and validation methodology together with top European partners.